This is a quick hit that’s very important for me to get out of my heart, head and soul and into the universe.

For the past week or so, my Binge Eating Disorder has ramped up. I haven’t binged because the medication I’m on makes me physically ill to do so but I’ve pushed the border. I’ve eaten until past hunger to discomfort and then have continued to obsess about food.

This is all fine and understandable. I don’t feel bad about it. It is what it is. It’s a highly stressful time for so many reasons that I share with the world. Upsetting events and life situations. This compulsion doesn’t define me and my worth and abilities. It just exists.

The thing is, I’ve committed to not hiding. Secrets wither and die in the light. Secret attempts to numb and control loose their power. So, here it is. Gloriously in the light. As I write, I can feel its power diminish.

I expect the urge to numb and escape through food will linger in the back like a spider crawling down my back for a while. That’s okay. All I have to do is remember – the feeling isn’t going to kill me. Keeping it a secret will.

Thank you for listening.

Much Love,
