
Skip this post if you’re not in a positive frame of mind unless you think it might be cathartic for you too.

1. “Well, I applaud you for trying” is different from “Yes. That’s a great idea. Let’s do it.” Yes, we know there are varying degrees in between because we’re not stupid.

2. It’s hard to have to prove yourself all over again but sometimes you just have to.

3. When a problem occurs and your immediate thought is who you are absolutely not going to call for help, don’t assume you’re mistaken in your judgement.

4. Outrage is easy. Follow through is hard. You forfeit your right to throw stones if you don’t take action. Like voting, to start with.

5. Your opinion might only be right for you.

6. The statistics you quote are biased. No-one sets out to do a survey unless they are concerned about a specific issue. That concern will usually translate into someone looking for numbers to support what they’ve already decided.

7. The only worthwhile constant is compassion. It also helps to be able to block people.

8. If you block someone more than 10 times in 90 days, it’s time to re-think your relationship.

9. A person can be smart even if their people are stupid. Learn how to tell the difference.

10. You absolutely will not make everyone happy. You absolutely will have a crappy life if you try to.


11. Always assume that you have no idea what’s going on in a person’s head or what they’re doing. If you want to know, ask.

12. If you don’t like the answer, decide if you’re gong to stick with them anyway or go away. Either way, shut up.

13. If you didn’t ask and don’t shut up, you’re a grandstanding coward using the situation to vent your insecure, fear-soaked life resentments by hiding behind self-righteousness. If this is you, you will not recognize it when you read this.

14. There are plenty of people who will tell you what you’ve done wrong. Some honestly care about helping you understand. Some don’t. Learn to tell the difference.

15. If you have to apologize multiple times a day, you should start listening more before speaking or posting.

16. If you feel bad, then feel bad. Feelings are not a moral dilemma.

17. Know when it’s time to pick yourself up, rub some dirt on it and walk it off.

18. Don’t vaguebook if you’re actually hoping for someone to save you. If you feel bad, own it and do something constructive.

19. Explaining your actions is sometimes necessary.

20. Sometimes trying to explain yourself doesn’t work. See 15.

21. The only 100% sure way to stop an argument with a person who refuses to listen is to cease to engage. No. You will get no sense of justice. Decide which is more important.

I think I’m done for now.
