One of the symptoms of Binge Eating Disorder is stockpiling food

Stockpiling is ‘simply’ acquiring large quantities of favorite binge foods and hiding them all over the house for easy and massive access. I don’t do that. I stockpile food in my tummy.

If there’s ever going to be a situation when I cannot have ready access to food, I’ll pre-game. Going into a any kind of meeting? Stuff my face first.

With the plethora of fast food options, I’m oddly fine traveling in a car. Airplane? Must get to the airport early enough to eat something before requesting a seat belt extender on the flight.

My current version of stockpiling


Binge eating has been my security blanket for 52 years. My drug Dr finally heard me and I have a prescription for Vyvanse, a drug that is helping with the compulsion.

Conflict!!! I want this drug with all my heart and soul AND the very thought that binge eating will be taken away from me is so terrifying (yes, I get the disconnect) that, prior to starting the drug, I ate as much as possible.

Sick and twisted.

So are eating disorders.

What’s next?

Losing my shit because I cannot get in to see a therapist until June. It’s the earliest that anyone within my network can see me for a new patient consult. But, that’s another post.


Susan pic 2019 cropped

Iā€™m Susan Scot Fry, the author of ā€œA Year of Significanceā€. In 2020, I take on the greatest nemesis of my life: Binge Eating Disorder. With a side of aplomb sauce. Honest, occasionally humorous and sometimes I swear.